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Autumn Covid/seasonal flu vaccination campaigns

The French health authorities will be organising a Covid-19 vaccination booster campaign in autumn 2023 (starting on October 2nd), based on the model of the seasonal flu vaccination campaign and open to the same public.

Vaccination is reimbursed at 100% for all.

Regardless of your situation, there should be a minimum of 6 months delay after the most recent dose.

It is strongly recommended that those most at risk of severe illness receive a booster dose, to maintain their immunity to the Covid-19 virus at a high level:

  • people aged 65 and over.
  • people with co-morbidities that put them at higher risk of severe disease (complicated hypertension, heart, vascular, liver, kidney, lung problems, diabetes, obesity, cancer, transplants, trisomy 21, psychiatric disorders or dementia).
  • immunocompromised persons
  • pregnant women.
  • residents of homes for the dependent elderly (Ehpad) and long-term care units (USLD).
  • people at very high risk of a severe form of the disease, depending on each individual medical situation and in the context of a shared decision with healthcare teams.
  • people living close to or in regular contact with immunocompromised or vulnerable individuals, including healthcare and social services professionals.
  • The French National Authority for Health also recommends vaccination and booster doses at a distance from the primary vaccination for:
  • students and professionals in the healthcare sector (working in institutions or self-employed).
  • students and professionals in the fire and rescue services (particularly professional and volunteer firefighters).
  • professionals in regular contact with immunocompromised or vulnerable people.

Important: the booster dose is no longer recommended for people not targeted by the booster recommendations described above. However, if a person is not in the target group and wishes to receive a booster dose, he or she may do so free of charge.


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