Volunteer Training

Active Volunteer Induction Training course

Our Active Volunteer Induction Training course provides information about CSF-Languedoc  and our work. We require all volunteers to attend this course, as it provides the information you need to maintain your own and CSF-Languedoc’s boundaries, understand our work, and adhere to our confidentiality policy.

When you complete our Membership Form, we ask whether you are interested in any of our wide range of volunteering activities – from taking minutes, to helping at fundraising events, to directly supporting clients, and much more.

Anyone interested in offering Active Listening (direct emotional and practical support with clients using Active Listening techniques), is offered further, skills-based training that is both intense and rewarding. All Active Listeners are offered ongoing training.

Both Induction and Active Listening training are offered as face to face courses, and the Induction training can also be given on-line (the latter with interactive, group Zoom sessions). The training programmes are provided to members free of charge.

All volunteers are required to become MEMBERS before they can proceed to training.

Do you or a family member need cancer support? CSF-Languedoc  can help.

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