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New Post-cancer support for people living in the Occitanie region

At the initiative of the Institut National du Cancer (INCa) and with the support of the Agence Regional de Santé (ARS) Occitanie, a post-treatment cancer support care pathway has been set up. The aim is to improve the quality of life of cancer patients, reduce the risk of after-effects and prevent relapses. The Hérault committee of the Ligue contre le cancer is one of the structures selected by ARS Occitanie to coordinate this programme. It is designed for patients at the end of active cancer treatment. It is aimed at patients in remission or cured, in the year following the end of active treatment (surgery, chemotherapy, radiotherapy). Its aim is to offer individualised, modular support care based on a medical prescription issued by a doctor, oncologist or pediatrician.

It may include :  

  • A functional and motivational physical activity assessment, leading to the development of an adapted physical activity project  
  • A dietetic assessment and dietetic consultations  
  • A psychological assessment and psychological consultations  

Contact the Hérault committee for further information: 07 67 70 30 13 – npscoordination.cd34@ligue-cancer

Find out more on the ARS Occitanie website:  


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