CSF-L AGM & Members’ Meeting & marking World Cancer Day

JOIN US IN CELEBRATING WORLD CANCER DAY / JOURNEE MONDIALE CONTRE LE CANCER SALLE DES FETES, MARGON TUESDAY 6TH FEBRUARY 2024 doors open at 11.30am We warmly invite you to join us in an event to mark World Cancer Day which is observed worldwide in February each year....


CÉLÉBRATION DE LA JOURNÉE MONDIALE CONTRE LE CANCER A LA SALLE DES FÊTES DE MARGON (34320) LE MARDI 6 FÉVRIER 2024 (ouverture des portes à 11h30) Nous vous invitons chaleureusement à vous joindre à nous pour célébrer la Journée mondiale de lutte contre le cancer,...

Hannah’s Clothes Sale

Hannah is holding a clothes sale, as a fund-raiser for CSF-L, on October 4th and 5th from 10:00 to 16:00. She will be delighted to receive donations of new/nearly new clothes, jewellery and recently published paperbacks. For enquiries and donations, call Hannah on 09...

Hannah’s Clothes Sale

Hannah is holding a clothes sale, as a fund-raiser for CSF-L, on March 14th and 15th from 10:00 to 16:00. She will be delighted to receive donations of new/nearly new clothes, jewellery and recently published paperbacks. For enquiries and donations, call Hannah on 09...

Blevins Franks Charitable Foundation donation

Thomas Marron, a partner in Blevins Franks proposed CSF Languedoc as a local cause to receive a grant from this foundation. After a discussion about our requirements he wrote:  “The Foundation wishes to donate €1,125 to CSF Languedoc to support you with...

Twenty years of Cancer Support France

If you keep your eye on the English press, you may have spotted that 2022 sees the twentieth anniversary of a famous cancer association called CRUK – Cancer Research UK. Closer to home, 2022 also brings the twentieth anniversary of our very own cancer association...