HELPLINE : 04 67 44 87 06

Did you know that …

May is Skin Cancer Awareness Month May is Bladder Cancer Awareness Month May 8th is World Ovarian Cancer Day May 18th is European Cancer Nursing Day May 25th-31st is European Week Against Cancer May 31st is World No Tobacco Day

Did you know that…

January is Cervical Cancer Awareness Month February 4th 2024 is World Cancer Day February is Oesophageal Cancer Awareness Month...

CSF-L AGM & Members’ Meeting & marking World Cancer Day

JOIN US IN CELEBRATING WORLD CANCER DAY / JOURNEE MONDIALE CONTRE LE CANCER SALLE DES FETES, MARGON TUESDAY 6TH FEBRUARY 2024 doors open at 11.30am We warmly invite you to join us in an event to mark World Cancer Day which is observed worldwide in February each year....


CÉLÉBRATION DE LA JOURNÉE MONDIALE CONTRE LE CANCER A LA SALLE DES FÊTES DE MARGON (34320) LE MARDI 6 FÉVRIER 2024 (ouverture des portes à 11h30) Nous vous invitons chaleureusement à vous joindre à nous pour célébrer la Journée mondiale de lutte contre le cancer,...

Autumn Covid/seasonal flu vaccination campaigns

The French health authorities will be organising a Covid-19 vaccination booster campaign in autumn 2023 (starting on October 2nd), based on the model of the seasonal flu vaccination campaign and open to the same public. Vaccination is reimbursed at 100% for all....